My Lovely Jesus Ministry
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Cleveland, TN 37320 T&C Apply
My Personal Response
To all the gainsayers and naysayers that I've been praying for with their ungodly opinions about this ministry of Jesus'. It was sweet Holy Spirit who led me to these verses located below in Acts.
Acts 5:38-39
38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:
39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
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My Declaration of Faith
I AM a believer of Jesus Christ. (John 3:16)
I HAVE accepted him into my life as Lord, Savior, Master and King! (Romans 10:9-10, 13)
I LOVE Him with every fiber in my body, soul, heart, mind and spirit!
HE IS my everything!!! (Matthew 22:37)
There is NO other way to God in heaven except through him! (Acts 4:12)
I KNOW all power has been given to his name alone! (Philippians 2:9-11)
I KNOW that Jesus IS the Word made flesh and the Word of God is unfailing and is the absolute truth! (John 1:4, Isaiah 55:11, John 17:17))
I HAVE His Holy Spirit inside if me, and He has baptized me with His fire and with His Holy tongues! (Matthew 13:11, Mark 16:17)
In Jesus’ mighty name: I absolutely REFUSE to compromise what the holy Word of God says! (Psalms 119:1-4)
I will NOT willingly bow my knees to no other God or King! (Exodus 20:4-5, 2 Kings 17:35)
I will NOT deny my lovely Jesus, He whom my soul loveth! (Matthew 10:33)
I REFUSE to sit down, shut up and give up from doing all he has called me to do and in reaching the lost! (Luke 9:62)
I REFUSE to love you into hell with lies and deceit, but will only speak the word of truth, in His love and with His law of kindness in my mouth! (1 Peter 3:10, Ephesians 4:15)
I SHALL deliver reproof, rebuke or admonishment with love, His love if I am called to do so! (Proverbs 9:8-9, Proverbs 15:31, Romans 15:14)
I REFUSE to deliberately walk in disobedience before my God and King! (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I SHALL accomplish all he desires me to do, but in His strength, His way and His time! (Psalms 138:8)
I do NOT fear what man can do unto me! Why should I when God is on my side and in control of all things? (Psalms 56:11, Psalms 118:6)
I AM prepared to die for the name of my God and for the lost souls still needing to be reached! (Philippians 1:21, Matthew 10:28) I DO NOT fear death, because if death comes to me, then I finally get to be where my heart longs to be the arms of my lovely Jesus! (Hebrews 2:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:55-58)
I HAVE fully surrendered my life fully into His hands, and I absolutely refuse to try to take control of it on my own ever again! (Mark 8:34-35)
I WILL boldly share His glorious gospel of love and hope found in the cross to all he leads me to. (Psalms 96:3, Matthew 28:19)
I KNOW I have all authority over Satan, the devil through the name of Jesus because He lives inside my heart! (James 4:7, Luke 10:17, Philippians 2:9)
I SHALL do greater things than Jesus as His word tells me through His help and name! (John 14:12)
I ABSOLUTELY, IN JESUS’ NAME, refuse to surrender to the devil in defeat when I have been made more than a conqueror! (Romans 8:37)
I AM a threat to Satan because my prayers when prayed in faith, believing and according to His will can and do move mountains! (Mark 11:23-24, 1 John 5:14-15)
I SHALL trust Him knowing He is in control, no matter how the circumstances may appear! (Matthew 28:18, Romans 8:28)
I AM a Warrior and not a wimp, because he teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight! (Psalms 144:1)
I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to back up an inch, but shall keep pressing forward in this calling and in His strength and name, even if at times I must crawl to do so! (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
I HAVE set my face as flint, as an adamant stone toward him alone! (Isaiah 50:7, Ezekiel 3:9)
I HAVE and DO pick up my cross, His cross daily! (Luke 9:23)
I CHOOSE to walk in his footsteps even though persecution comes because I do! (2 Timothy 3:12, 1 Peter 4:)12-14)
I KNOW He does, and will supply every need that comes into my life, because he is a good God and his word tells me He will! (Philippians 4:19)
I DO and WILL continue to use this gift of life for His glory and pursue Him passionately, no matter how He chooses that to be! (Psalms 63:8, Psalms 42:1-2)
I REFUSE to allow a person, place or thing to deter me from the path He has set me upon, including family and friends who I love dearly! (Matthew 10:37)
I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to conform to this world’s sinful ways, but choose as His word says to renew my mind daily in Him. (Romans 12:2)
I WILL think upon those things which are good and lovely which are from Him. (Philippians 4:8)
I SHALL continue to pray without ceasing! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
I SHALL study His word continually with the help of Holy Spirit, my dearest friend! (2 Timothy 2:15, 1 John 2:27, John 14:26)
I REFUSE to walk in defeat when His word says, “I AM an overcomer by the word of my testimony and the blood of the Lamb, of Jesus!” (Revelation 12:11)
I REFUSE to believe in doctrines of devils or be taken away by strong delusions! (1 Timothy 4:1- 3, Ephesians 4:14, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)
I REFUSE TO WAVER, but SHALL stand firm by His strength and name! (James 1:6)
I REFUSE to use my mouth for gossip, cursing or idle words! (Ephesians 4:29, I Timothy 5:13, 2 Timothy 2:16, Matthew 12:36, James 3:10)
I SHALL with His help have a continual song, prayer or praise upon my lips and in my heart! (Psalms 40:3)
IF and WHEN the spirit of Fear comes knocking, I WILL rebuke him in Jesus’ name out of my life! (2 Timothy 2:7, James 4:7, Luke 10:17)
I SHALL and do wait on the Lord when He says wait! (Isaiah 40:31, Psalms 37:7)
This is how I live my life daily! This is my declaration of faith in my lovely Jesus
Vicki Goforth Parnell
God’s Faithful Messenger
The Lord says, “Done!” Vicki asks the meaning. He says, “It means, those who earnestly seek a closer intimate relationship with Me are now being empowered by My Holy Spirit with the anointing to be My true Bride. It’s NOW time for them….
(See The “Done” Dream, journaled 5-9-22.)
“The fool says in his heart, there is no God–this is folly…I assure you, I exist….The fool hears the warning bells ringing, but says, it will not happen here…I am coming whether you believe in Me or not….”
(See A Word to the Foolish and the Wise, journaled 4-1-22.)
Remember to download the eBook
eBook Prophetic Dreams, Words and Visions.
Vicki Goforth Parnell 10-22-23 @ 1:44 am
So, you want to call someone a false prophet! Are you 100% sure? You had better be!
Please pray about all this information without a preconceived, made up mind in Jesus Christ’s name I pray and ask.
Let’s talk about these key verses which cause so many people to sling stones at their brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus intending to kill or maim them.
Deuteronomy 18:21-22
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
***Note: God didn’t set a time limit when a word has to come to pass. ****
How many people have been called false prophets or called someone else a false prophet because a word, dream or vision didn’t come to pass as originally given or as one assumed it would? You don’t have to answer that. God already knows who has and who hasn’t!!!
It would be best if one keeps their mouth shut before slinging railing accusations at one of God’s little ones until you seek fully for his truth in these matters.
Do you realize that the prophetic word given to Hezekiah was an unconditional prophecy through Isaiah at the time it was given? Get your house in order, Hezekiah. This sickness is unto death… no “ifs” to this one! But because God is merciful and full of love and the fact that He is God, if he so chooses, he can change his heart at any given moment of time. Oh and by the way…He created and controls all time! He’s God! One can see proof of this when He gave Hezekiah 15 more additional years. (2 Kings 20)
Here’s my point. This is what God has been showing me and I feel led to share.
Why did God distinguish to Moses in Deuteronomy 18:22, the “if the thing follow not” and “come to pass” when most people assume they generally mean the same thing? One should never assume anything. Especially not when Jehovah God is involved. His ways are too high for us. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Here are the definitions for these words:
Follow means to: go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.
To come to pass means: often indicates that what is happening is the result of a course of events.
Why is this important?
When Isaiah gave the prophetic word to Hezekiah that he was going to die, his death was foretold. Pronounced by Isaiah the prophet by God for him to deliver. Which he did. It was a true word from Jehovah God in Heaven. At this moment in time, He had not allowed his compassion and mercy for Hezekiah’s prayers to change his heart because He being God knew already what was best for all involved.
But Hezekiah cried out unto God who was moved in his heart with compassion and love for his child King Hezekiah and a new word came forth. There was a change in God’s heart toward Hezekiah’s circumstances. The first given word from God given through Isaiah had now been changed to something that is different, yet still foretells the same end results. King Hezekiah shall still die!
But God is still God. God can’t lie. He can’t change. But here we now see prophetic words are not always as cut and dry as people demand them to be.
This changing of God’s heart and not His mind, for God shows his great love for Hezekiah. He was still appointed to die, but now it would be 15 years later. The word God gave Isaiah was still true. “Hezekiah, you’re going to die,” but the circumstances and timing surrounding it had now been altered. Even though God knew the end results beforehand of what this would cost Judah and Israel. That they would become divided after his son Manasseh was borned then ruled in his stead, God granted the additional years in love.
I wanted to point out the fact that this given word by God didn’t transpire as it first came forth. This doesn’t make it a false word. It means we do not fully understand the magnitude of God’s ways and his unconditional love for us. Did this make Isaiah a false prophet? He had given a word that changed! No, no it did not! Actually the first word foretelling he was to die did come to pass when Hezekiah passed away 15 years later when his allotted time was up.
I asked God about this after hearing these accusations hurled my way time and time again. It used to bother me, but not anymore. I know to whom I belong!!! Jesus Christ!!! I am great in this knowledge. He in love did reply to me. He said this: If I being God can change my own prophetic word given from it following and happening at one time, for it to come to pass at a latter time, then what is it to man if I choose to do so again? For I am God? (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
So there you go. He’s God and we’re not!!!
If someone steps out and speaks words of untruth, a lie not given to them by God or his son Jesus Christ, then they would rightly earn the title of false prophet. But please make sure enough time has passed and/or you have sought God earnestly in Jesus Christ’s name to know if this was or wasn’t a word, dream or vision sent from him.
If a prophetic word has not occurred yet, it may very well be because there has been some form of change and it has been God who has changed it. It can be dates, circumstances, people and/or foretold events. If this is the case, then at some point, the truth will be revealed. If you called this person who delivered the message from God a false prophet then realize this!!! You have just attacked God’s anointed and that is a very dangerous thing to do for anyone!!!! (Psalms 105:15; Matthew 18:5-7; Mark 9:41-43; Luke 17:1-3; Matthew 18:10) God does not take too kindly to anyone messing with his little children.
True words, dreams and visions given to someone from Father God or Jesus Christ his son that are spoken in their name may not always come to pass as we understand or assume they should. God’s timing is different from ours. It just might be that it has not come to pass yet on God’s time clock…but it will at some time if it’s truly from heaven and not a false word, dream or vision.
So in a nutshell, here is what I have learned! Just because a word, dream or vision doesn’t occur or come to pass when we “supposed” or “assumed” it should, doesn’t mean it’s a false word. It could be a prophetic word in waiting or even a word that God himself has changed. Take it to Jesus Christ in prayer earnestly seeking his truth and you might be surprised by his response…if you will take time to listen to our totally amazing God of love!!! After all, why take a chance on incurring God’s wrath upon you or even a curse? All because you picked on your own brother and sister in Jesus Christ when you didn’t take time to seek his truth in this matter and you opened your own mouth in evil accusations!! I’m just saying…….
Other related verses of God’s words being changed by him
Amos 7; Jonah 3; Genesis 18:16-33; 1 Chronicles 21:15; Jeremiah 21:18-19
Preparations for:
3 Days of Darkness
When the lights appear then you need to get home as soon as possible. There’s not much time before the darkness falls from the hand of God.
How to prepare:
Pray and repent before the northern lights appear all over the world. You are not promised tomorrow’s next breath. Why chance it? If when the darkness comes and you don’t have electrical power but only candle light then there is sin in your heart and you need to seek God in Jesus name and truly repent.
A true Child of God who loves Jesus and living an obedient life in him doesn’t have any reason to be afraid of the coming darkness. These are those who will have some form of electrical power.
This is time that should be spent by the true believer of Jesus Christ to pray and seek for the salvation of others.
Lock all doors and windows, close all drapes and blinds or cover windows anyway you can, like: cardboard, black plastic, towels, etc. if the Jesus leads you to do so and if you have children that may try to open the door or window because some of the evil spirits may be mimicking someone they know and love.
For those who find themselves by candlelight may very well hear the demons screaming outside. Be aware this is the time set aside for hell to be released, the nephilim to return but also for many the last chance to repent of their sins. This is God’s undeserved mercy.
The darkness is seen and felt as if alive to the sinner and backslider. Many hearts shall fail them in fear of what has come. *Again the true child of Jesus’ Christ has no reason to fear these things because they stand in the power of Jesus’ name and hide under the shadow of his wings.
During the 3 days of darkness no on will come and go out of the place they are in until it’s over. No work. No school. No anything until God removes it by his all powerful hand.
If you are not sure of the true condition of your heart then please pray about having a 3 day food and drink supply for all who may be there at your abode.
This is the set aside time for the demons and fallen angels once bound to be released as well as others for the end time days to be fulfilled. This is why it is recommended for you not to look outside or be outside. Seeing so much evil can cause people to possibly have heart attacks or lose their minds from the horror and terror that occurs from the sight.
Pray in Jesus Christ’s name for what preparations he would lead you to do.
These are just a few things that you can pray about before the 3 days of darkness falls the world. I strongly recommend you seek Jesus for more details and ask him for verses in the Holy Bible that will reveal the truth of his words.
God bless. Stay under the blood of Jesus always!
Vicki Goforth Parnell
Play Time is Over!
Have you prepared....
Watch this video and listen to this word given on 2-24-22.

Know Jesus Christ
Would you like to know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?
It's easy. Just say this prayer in his name.
Dear Jesus, speak to my heart. Change my life. Forgive me of my sins. I believe you are the Son of God, and you came in the flesh by virgin birth as both God and man. I believe that you gave your life at Calvary, shedding your precious blood for me. I confess you here and now as my Savior before God and men. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
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